
\ \ [18] The camellia, a shrub of oriental origin, was named in the mid-18th century by the Swedish taxonomist Linnaeus after the Moravian Jesuit missionary and botanist Joseph Kamel (in modern Latin, Camellus) (1661– 1706), who described the flora on the Philippine island of Luzon. The spelling of its name, with a double l, encourages a short ‘e’ pronunciation, but in practice most people say ‘cameelia’.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • Camellia — Ca*mel li*a, n. [NL., after Georg Josef Kamel, or Camelli, a Jesuit who is said to have brought it from the East.] 1. (Bot.) An Asiatic genus of small shrubs, often with shining leaves and showy flowers. {Camellia Japonica} is much cultivated for …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • camellia — [kə mēl′yə, kəmē′lē ə] n. [ModL, after Camelli, It form of the name of G. J. Kamel (1661 1706), Moravian Jesuit missionary to the Far East] 1. any of a genus (Camellia) of Asiatic evergreen trees and shrubs of the tea family, with glossy leaves… …   English World dictionary

  • Camellĭa — (C. L.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Ternstroemiaceae Camellieae, Monadelphia Polyandria L., nach dem Jesuiten G. J. Kamel (s.d.) benannt, mit fünfblätterigem Kelche u. mehreren dachziegelartigen Deckblättern, abfallenden, 5 unten… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Camellĭa — L. (Kamellie, Kamelie), Gruppe der Gattung Thea aus der Familie der Theazeen, benannt nach dem Jesuiten G. I. Camellus, der 1639 auf den Philippinen Pflanzen sammelte. Die Kamelien sind der Teestaude ähnliche Sträucher im Himalaja, in… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • camellia — 1753, named by Linnæus from Latinized form of G.J. Kamel (1661 1706), Jesuit who described the flora of the island of Luzon …   Etymology dictionary

  • camellia — is spelt with two l s, despite its pronunciation kǝ mee li ǝ …   Modern English usage

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