
\ \ [19] The condition now called ‘bulimia’ – in which bouts of overeating are followed by bouts of purging – was recognized and so named in the 1970s. The word used to name it, however, is much more ancient than that. It goes back to Greek boulimia, which meant ‘ravenous hunger’ (it was formed from limoshunger’, with the prefix bou-; this may well have been adapted from bousox’, in which case the word would have meant literally ‘the hunger of an ox’). It originally came into English, via medieval Latin, in the late 14th century, and for many hundred years its standard form was bulimy. It was applied to a sort of hunger so extreme that it could be categorized as an illness.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • bulimia — f. neurol. y nutric. Aumento desmesurado del apetito, lo que provoca una necesidad de ingerir gran cantidad de alimentos. La bulimia puede estar causada por trastornos digestivos (úlcera gástrica, presencia de parásitos intestinales), trastornos… …   Diccionario médico

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  • bulimia — (also bulimia nervosa) ► NOUN ▪ an emotional disorder characterized by bouts of overeating, typically alternating with fasting or self induced vomiting. DERIVATIVES bulimic adjective & noun. ORIGIN Greek boulimia ravenous hunger , from bous ox +… …   English terms dictionary

  • bulimia — [byo͞o lē′mē ə, byo͞olim′ē ə; bo͞olim′ē ə] n. [ModL < Gr boulimia < bous, ox, COW1 + limos, hunger < ? IE base * lei , to diminish, meager > LITTLE] 1. Med. a continuous, abnormal hunger 2. an eating disorder, chiefly in young women,… …   English World dictionary

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  • bulimia — /buli mia/ s.f. [dal gr. boulimía gran fame , propr. fame da bue , comp. di boûs bue e limós fame ]. (med.) [senso eccessivo e patologico di fame] ▶◀ acoria, Ⓖ mal della lupa. ↓ Ⓖ appetito, Ⓖ fame. ‖ Ⓖ ingordigia, Ⓖ insaziabilità. ◀▶ anoressia,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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  • bulimia — 1976, Modern Latin, from Gk. boulimia, ravenous hunger as a disease, lit. ox hunger, from bou , intensive prefix (originally from bous ox ) + limos hunger; as a psychological disorder, technically bulemia nervosa. Anglicized bulimy was used from… …   Etymology dictionary

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