
\ \ [18] A stevedoredocker’ is etymologically a ‘packer’ of cargo. The word was originally borrowed into American English from Spanish estivador, a derivative of estivarstow cargo’. This was descended from Latin stīpārepress, pack’ (source also of English constipation).

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • stevedore — ● stevedore nom masculin (anglais stevedore, de l espagnol estibador, emballeur) Synonyme de aconier. ● stevedore (synonymes) nom masculin (anglais stevedore, de l espagnol estibador, emballeur) Synonymes : aconier …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Stevedore — est un mot anglais qui désigne, dans un port, le chef d une entreprise de chargement ou de déchargement des navires. Présentation Il assure, sous la surveillance d un officier de bord, la manutention des marchandises. Stevedore est un terme… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • stevedore — ste‧ve‧dore [ˈstiːvdɔː ǁ dɔːr] noun [countable] JOBS TRANSPORT someone whose job is loading and unloading ships; = docker Bre; , longshoreman AmE * * * Ⅰ. stevedore UK US /ˈstiːvədɔː …   Financial and business terms

  • Stevedore — Ste ve*dore , n. [Sp. estivador a packer, a stower, fr. estivar to pack, to stow, L. stipare to press, compress, probably akin to E. stiff. See {Stiff}, {Stive} to stuff.] One whose occupation is to load and unload vessels in port; one who stows… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stevedore — 1788, from Sp. estibador one who loads cargo, agent noun from estibar to stow cargo, from L. stipare pack down, press (see STIFF (Cf. stiff) (adj.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • stevedore — ► NOUN ▪ a person employed at a dock to load and unload ships. ORIGIN Spanish estivador, from estivar stow a cargo …   English terms dictionary

  • stevedore — ☆ stevedore [stē′və dôr΄ ] n. [Sp estivador < estivar, to stow, ram tight: see STEEVE1] a person employed at loading and unloading ships; longshoreman vt., vi. stevedored, stevedoring to load or unload the cargo of (a ship) …   English World dictionary

  • Stevedore — Docker redirects here. For other uses, see Docker (disambiguation). Stevedores on a New York dock loading barrels of corn syrup onto a barge on the Hudson River. Photograph by Lewis Hine, c.1912 Stevedore, dockworker, docker, dock labourer,… …   Wikipedia

  • stevedore — I. noun Etymology: Spanish estibador, from estibar to pack more at steeve Date: 1788 one who works at or is responsible for loading and unloading ships in port II. verb ( dored; doring) Date: 1862 transitive verb to handle (cargo) as a stevedore; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stevedore — UK [ˈstiːvəˌdɔː(r)] / US [ˈstɪvəˌdɔr] noun [countable] Word forms stevedore : singular stevedore plural stevedores American a docker …   English dictionary

  • stevedore — See longshoreman. See longshoreman, stevedore …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

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