
\ \ English has two distinct words plonk. The one that means ‘put down firmly and heavily’ [19] was no doubt originally simply an imitation of the sound made by the action (alternative realizations of which are plank and plunk). The other, ‘cheap bog-standard wine’ [20], appears to have originated among Australian troops serving in France during World War I, which lends credence to the supposition that it was based on a French original – generally supposed to be vin blancwhite wine’. It is true that not until the 1930s do we have any written evidence of plonk in this sense, nor of its possible precursor plinkety-plonk (which could have been a comical rhyming variation on vin blanc, and which also produced the shorter-lived spin-off plink in the same sense), and that nowadays the term seems to be applied mainly to red wine rather than white. Nevertheless, there are relevant records of Great-War-period puns (for example von blink as a ‘humorous corruption’ of vin blanc), and the explanation has an air of plausibility.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • Plonk — can mean poor quality wine in U.K. and Australian English, evidently a loan from French blanc , white wine. Plonk is a Usenet jargon term for adding a particular poster to one s kill file such that the poster s future postings are completely… …   Wikipedia

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  • Plonk — est un terme du jargon Usenet désignant l ajout d un posteur dans le fichier des personnes ignorées (kill file), de sorte que les messages ultérieurs de cette personne seront ignorés. Ce terme a été utilisé pour la première fois en 1989 sur le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • plonk — Ⅰ. plonk [1] informal ► VERB 1) set down heavily or carelessly. 2) play unskilfully on a musical instrument. ► NOUN ▪ a sound as of something being set down heavily. ORIGIN imitative. Ⅱ …   English terms dictionary

  • plonk — 1874 (v.); 1903 (n.), imitative …   Etymology dictionary

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  • plonk — [[t]plɒ̱ŋk[/t]] plonks, plonking, plonked 1) VERB If you plonk something somewhere, you put it or drop it there heavily and carelessly. [BRIT, INFORMAL] [V n prep/adv] She plonked the beer on the counter. Syn: plunk (in AM, use plunk) 2) VERB If… …   English dictionary

  • *plonk* — Ein Killfile ist eine Steuerdatei eines Newsreaders. Das Killfile enthält Filterregeln, nach denen der Benutzer für ihn uninteressante Postings (etwa nach Thema oder nach Autor bewertet) ausblenden lassen kann. Man könnte es als automatisiertes… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • PLONK — Ein Killfile ist eine Steuerdatei eines Newsreaders. Das Killfile enthält Filterregeln, nach denen der Benutzer für ihn uninteressante Postings (etwa nach Thema oder nach Autor bewertet) ausblenden lassen kann. Man könnte es als automatisiertes… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • plonk — plonk1 [plɔŋk US pla:ŋk, plo:ŋk] v [T always + adverb/preposition] especially BrE informal 1.) also plonk sth down to put something down somewhere, especially in a noisy and careless way American Equivalent: plunk ▪ You can plonk those bags down… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • plonk — I. /plɒŋk / (say plongk) verb (t) Also, plonk down. 1. to place or drop heavily or suddenly: *Shadow followed at a distance, plonked himself down, head on paws, and ears pricked, on John s tatty, green bedside mat. –carole elise grongard, 1986.… …  

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