
\ \ [17] In ancient Rome, a pantomīmus was a ‘mime artist’, a sort of Marcel Marceau performer who acted scenes, incidents, etc without words. The term was adopted from Greek pantómōmoscomplete imitator’, a compound formed from panto- ‘all’ and mōmosimitator, actor’ (source of English mime).
\ \ English originally took the word over in this historical sense, and it was not until the early 18th century that it began to be used first for a sort of mime ballet and then for a play without words, relating a popular tale, which gradually developed into the Christmas fairy-tale pantomimes of the 19th and 20th centuries. The abbreviation panto dates from the mid-19th century.
\ \ Cf.MIME

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • pantomime — [ pɑ̃tɔmim ] n. m. et f. • 1560; lat. pantomimus, d origine grecque I ♦ N. m. Rare Mime. II ♦ N. f. (1752) 1 ♦ Jeu du mime; art de s exprimer par la danse, le geste, la mimique, sans recourir au langage. La pantomime dans l Antiquité. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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