
\ \ see NUT

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • Nuclear 9/11 — Nuclear weapons materials on the black market is a growing global concern, [ dyn/content/article/2008/03/24/AR2008032402291 pf.html After A Nuclear 9/11] ] and a nuclear 9/11 could involve the detonation of a small …   Wikipedia

  • nuclear — verbo transitivo 1. Origen: América. Reunir, agrupar (un grupo dirigente) [a personas de actividades afines]. nuclear adjetivo …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • nuclear — 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al núcleo. 2. Fís. Perteneciente o relativo al núcleo de los átomos. 3. Perteneciente o relativo a la energía producida por reacciones atómicas de fusión o fisión. 4. Que emplea energía nuclear. ☛ V. arma nuclear …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Nuclear — may refer to: Nuclear DNA In physics: Nuclear engineering Nuclear physics Nuclear power Nuclear reactor technology Nuclear weapon In mathematics: Nuclear space Nuclear operator Nuclear C* algebra See also Nucleus (disambiguation) Nucleolus… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear — Nu cle*ar, a. 1. of, pertaining to, or using {nuclear weapons}; a nuclear exchange, i.e. a reciprocal bombardment by nuclear weapons.. [PJC] 2. Of, pertaining to, or powered by atomic energy; same as {nuclear powered}; as, a nuclear submarine; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nuclear — adj. 2 g. 1. Relativo a núcleo (ex.: papel nuclear; sentido nuclear). 2.  [Física, Química] Relativo ao núcleo do átomo e à energia que dele provém (ex.: física nuclear; explosões nucleares). 3.  [Biologia] Relativo ao núcleo da célula. 4. … …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • nuclear — UK US /ˈnjuːkliər/ US  /ˈnuːkliər/ adjective ► ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES, PRODUCTION relating to the power produced when the central part of an atom is divided or joined to another one: nuclear energy/power/fuel »The country had agreed to… …   Financial and business terms

  • nuclear — (adj.) 1846, of or like the nucleus of a cell, from NUCLEUS (Cf. nucleus) + AR (Cf. ar), probably by influence of Fr. nucléaire. Use in atomic physics is from 1914; of weapons, from 1945. Hence nuclear physics (1933), nuclear energy (1941),… …   Etymology dictionary

  • nuclear — [no͞o′klē ər, nyo͞o′klē ər] adj. 1. of, like or forming a nucleus 2. of or relating to atomic nuclei [nuclear energy] 3. of, characterized by, or operated by the use of nuclear energy [nuclear weapons] 4. of, having, or involving nuclear weapons… …   English World dictionary

  • nuclear — NUCLEÁR, Ă, nucleari, e, adj. 1. Care aparţine nucleului atomic, privitor la nucleul atomic. ♢ Fizică nucleară = ramură a fizicii care se ocupă cu studiul nucleului atomic şi al fenomenelor în care nucleul are rolul principal. Chimie nucleară =… …   Dicționar Român

  • nuclear — adj. citol. y anat. Relativo al núcleo de una célula o de una estructura cualquiera. Medical Dictionary. 2011. nuclear …   Diccionario médico

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