
\ \ [14] Latin mōscustom’ is the starting point of the English family of ‘morality’-words (and its plural mōres was acquired by English as mores in the 20th century). Its derived adjective mōrālis was coined, according to some by Cicero, as a direct translation of Greek ēthikósethical’, to denote the ‘typical or proper behaviour of human beings in society’, and was borrowed directly into English in the 14th century. Morale [18] was borrowed from French, where it is the feminine form of the adjective moral. At first it was used in English for ‘morality, moral principles’; its modern sense ‘condition with regard to optimism, cheerfulness, etc’ is not recorded until the early 19th century.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • Moral — Moral …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • moral — moral, ale, aux [ mɔral, o ] adj. et n. m. • 1270; n. m. 1212; lat. moralis, de mores « mœurs » I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui concerne les mœurs, les habitudes et surtout les règles de conduite admises et pratiquées dans une société. Conscience morale. Sens… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Moral — bezeichnet zumeist die faktischen Handlungsmuster, konventionen, regeln oder prinzipien bestimmter Individuen, Gruppen oder Kulturen. So verstanden, sind die Ausdrücke Moral, Ethos oder Sitte weitgehend gleichbedeutend und werden beschreibend… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Moral — Mor al, a. [F., fr. It. moralis, fr. mos, moris, manner, custom, habit, way of life, conduct.] 1. Relating to duty or obligation; pertaining to those intentions and actions of which right and wrong, virtue and vice, are predicated, or to the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • moral — moral, ale (mo ral, ra l ) adj. 1°   Qui concerne les moeurs. Préceptes moraux. Réflexions morales. Les oeuvres morales de Plutarque. Sens, instinct moral.    Contes moraux, contes où l auteur a l intention de faire ressortir une leçon de morale …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • moral — adj Moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous, noble are comparable when they mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. Moral is the most comprehensive term of the group; in all of its pertinent senses it implies a relationship to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • moral — MORÁL, Ă, morali, e, adj., s.n. I. adj. 1. Care aparţine moralei, conduitei admise şi practicate într o societate, care se referă la morală; etic; care este conform cu morala; cinstit, bun; moralicesc. ♦ Care conţine o învăţătură; moralizator. 2 …   Dicționar Român

  • moral — mòrāl m <G morála> DEFINICIJA 1. shvaćanje odnosa prema dobru i zlu u najširem smislu; ukupnost nepisanih društvenih načela, normi, ideala, običaja o ponašanju i odnosima među ljudima koji se nameću savjesti pojedinca i zajednice, u skladu… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • moral — adjetivo 1. De las costumbres o formas de comportamiento humanas: valor moral, reglas morales, superioridad moral. 2. Que no se funda en pruebas objetivas, sino en la conciencia de cada individuo: Tenías la obligación moral de pagar. 3.… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • moral — [môr′əl, mär′əl; ] for n.4 [, mə ral′] adj. [ME < L moralis, of manners or customs < mos (gen. moris), pl. mores, manners, morals (see MOOD1): used by CICERO2 as transl. of Gr ēthikos] 1. relating to, dealing with, or capable of making the… …   English World dictionary

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