
\ \ [16] Ichneumon comes from a Greek word which meant literally ‘tracker’. This was ikhneúmōn, a derivative of íkhnostrack, footstep’. Aristotle used it as the name for a species of wasp that hunted spiders, and it was adopted into English in this sense for the ichneumon fly, a wasplike insect with parasitic larvae, in the 17th century. Its original English application, however, was to a variety of African mongoose which ‘tracks down’ or hunts out crocodile eggs.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • ichneumon — [ iknømɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1562; « mangouste » 1547; mot lat., du gr. ikhneumôn « qui suit à la piste » ♦ Zool. Insecte hyménoptère térébrant (ichneumonidés) dont la larve est parasite des chenilles. ● ichneumon nom masculin (latin ichneumon, onis, du… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Ichneumon — Ich*neu mon, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, lit., the tracker; so called because it hunts out the eggs of the crocodile, fr. ? to track or hunt after, fr. i chnos track, footstep.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any carnivorous mammal of the genus {Herpestes}, and family… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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