
\ \ [18] In Shakespeares Twelfth Night, Sir Toby Belch saysHob, nob, is his word: givet or taket’; from which it has been deduced that the hob of hobnob represents have and that the nob represents the now obsolete navenot have’ (formed in the Old English period by adding the negative particle ne to have). In Middle English these would have been habbe and nabbe. When hobnob first appears as a verb, in the mid 18th century, it meansdrink together’ – perhaps from the notion of buying alternate rounds of drinks, or drinking toasts to each other in turn. The modern senseassociate familiarly, socializeis not recorded before the early 19th century.
\ \ Cf.HAVE

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • Hobnob — Hob nob , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Hornobbed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Hornobbing}.] 1. To drink familiarly (with another). [ Written also {hob a nob}.] [1913 Webster] 2. To associate familiarly; to be on intimate terms; as, to hobnob with the political… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hobnob — Hob nob , adv. [AS. habban to have + habban to have not; ne not + habban to have. See {Have}, and cf. {Habnab}.] 1. Have or have not; a familiar invitation to reciprocal drinking. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. At random; hit or miss. (Obs.) Holinshed.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hobnob — Hob nob , n. Familiar, social intercourse. W. Black. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hobnob — (v.) 1763, To drink to each other, from hob and nob (1756) to toast each other by turns, to buy alternate rounds of drinks, from c.1550 hab nab to have or have not, hit or miss, probably ultimately from O.E. habban, nabban have, not have, with… …   Etymology dictionary

  • hobnob — [v] associate with chum around, consort, fraternize, hang around*, hang out with*, keep company, knock around with*, mingle, mix, pal, pal around, rub elbows*, rub shoulders*, socialize, spend time; concept 384 …   New thesaurus

  • hobnob — ► VERB (hobnobbed, hobnobbing) informal ▪ mix socially, especially with those of higher social status. ORIGIN originally in the sense «drink together, drink each other s health»: from obsolete hob or nob, or hob and nob, probably meaning «give… …   English terms dictionary

  • hobnob — [häb′näb΄] adv. [earlier habnab, lit., to have and not have < ME habben, to have + nabben (< ne habben), not to have, esp. with reference to alternation in drinking] Now Rare at random vi. hobnobbed, hobnobbing 1. Now Rare to drink together …   English World dictionary

  • HobNob — A HobNob is a brand of biscuit made from rolled oats and jumbo oats, similar to a flapjack/digestive biscuit hybrid. They are mainly sold in the United Kingdom. The biscuit can be dunked in tea without losing its shape. Invented by Julien Pike,… …   Wikipedia

  • hobnob — 1. noun An informal chat. The three friends had a hobnob outside the bar. 2. verb a) To associate in a friendly manner with. Generally has a connotation of associating with people of a higher class or status. The ambitious young student hobnobbed …   Wiktionary

  • hobnob — v. (d; intr.) to hobnob with * * * [ hɒbnɒb] (d; intr.) to hobnob with …   Combinatory dictionary

  • hobnob — hob|nob [ˈhɔbnɔb US ˈha:bna:b] v past tense and past participle hobnobbed present participle hobnobbing [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: drink hobnob [i] to take turns in drinking (18 19 centuries), from habnab in one way or another (16 19 centuries),… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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