
\ \ [16] Doll comes from the name Dorothy: the changing of r to l in personal names is a common English phenomenon of long standing, from Shakespeares Prince Hal (for Harry) to the currently familiar Del and Tel (for Derek and Terry). The word was originally applied to a mans mistress (much like moll, which came from Mary), but in the 18th century it came to be applied to atoy baby’. The pet form dolly dates from the 17th century.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • doll — (d[o^]l), n. [A contraction of Dorothy; or less prob. an abbreviation of idol; or cf. OD. dol a whipping top, D. dollen to rave, and E. dull.] 1. a small, usually flexible figure representing a human being, especially a toy baby for a little… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • doll — 1550s, endearing name for a female pet or a mistress; originally a familiar form of fem. proper name DOROTHY (Cf. Dorothy) (q.v.). The l for r substitution in nicknames is common in English: Cf. Hal for Harold, Moll for Mary, Sally for Sarah, etc …   Etymology dictionary

  • doll — ► NOUN 1) a small model of a human figure, used as a child s toy. 2) informal an attractive young woman. ► VERB (doll up) informal ▪ dress (someone) smartly and attractively. ORIGIN from the given name Dorothy …   English terms dictionary

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