
\ \ [14] Latin tundere meant ‘beat, hit’ (it may be related to English stint and stunt).
\ \ Addition of the intensive prefix com- produced contunderebeat hard, pound’, and from its past participle contūsus was formed the noun contūsiō, which passed into English via Old French contusion. Apart from isolated instances in the 17th and 18th centuries when it was used for ‘beating’ generally (probably scholarly archaisms), contusion has always had the physiological connotation of ‘bruising’ in English.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • CONTUSION — CONTUSI Lésion consécutive à un traumatisme fermé des parties molles. Elle entraîne, suivant la sévérité du traumatisme, une réaction inflammatoire transitoire, une infiltration sanguine (ecchymose ou hématome), voire une nécrose localisée. Une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Contusion — Con*tu sion, n. [L. contusio: cf. F. contusion.] 1. The act or process of beating, bruising, or pounding; the state of being beaten or bruised. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) A bruise; an injury attended with more or less disorganization of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • contusion — (n.) c.1400, from M.Fr. contusion, from L. contusionem (nom. contusio) crushing, bruising, from contus , pp. stem of contundere to beat, break to pieces, from com , intensive prefix (see COM (Cf. com )), + tundere to beat (see OBTUSE (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

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