
\ \ [16] The notion underlying conjugal is of ‘joining together’. It comes from Latin conjugālis, an adjective derived from conjuxspouse’. This is turn was derived from conjugārejoin together (in marriage)’, a compound verb formed from the prefix com- ‘together’ and jugāreyoke’ (a derivative of jugumyoke’, which is related to English yoke and yoga). (The grammatical connotations of English conjugate [16] arise from the notion of a ‘connected’ set of verb forms.) The base of jugum, *jug-, also produced jungerejoin’, whose derivative conjungerejoin together’ is responsible for the parallel set of English words conjoin [14], conjunct [15], and conjunction [14].

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • conjugal — conjugal, ale, aux [ kɔ̃ʒygal, o ] adj. • v. 1300; lat. conjugalis ♦ Relatif à l union entre époux. ⇒ matrimonial. Union conjugale. ⇒ mariage. Domicile conjugal. Fidélité conjugale. Devoir conjugal : obligation réciproque pour les conjoints de ne …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • conjugal — CONJUGÁL, Ă, conjugali, e, adj. Care ţine de soţi, privitor la căsătorie. – Din fr. conjugal, lat. conjugalis. Trimis de Joseph, 23.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  CONJUGÁL adj. casnic, matrimonial, (livr.) marital, (înv.) căsătoresc, căsnicesc, soţiesc …   Dicționar Român

  • conjugal — con·ju·gal / kän jə gəl/ adj: of or relating to marriage or to married persons and their relationships Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. conjugal …   Law dictionary

  • conjugal — CONJUGAL, ALE. adj. Qui concerne l union entre le mariet la femme. Le lien conjugal. L affection, l amitié conjugale. L amour conjugal. Le devoir conjugal. La foi conjugale …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • conjugal — CONJUGAL, [conjug]ale. adj. Qui concerne l union d entre le mari & la femme. Le lien conjugal. l affection ou l amitié conjugale. l amour conjugal. le devoir conjugal. la foy conjugale. la societé conjugale …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • conjugal — conjugal, ale (kon ju gal, ga l ) adj. Qui tient à l union entre le mari et la femme. Les liens conjugaux. •   D un lien conjugal joindre ces deux amants, C est briser tous mes fers et finir mes tourments, CORN. Cid, I, 6. •   S il y daigne… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • Conjugal — Con ju*gal, a. [L. conjugalis, fr. conjux husband, wife, consort, fr. conjungere to unite, join in marriage. See {Conjoin}.] Belonging to marriage; suitable or appropriate to the marriage state or to married persons; matrimonial; connubial.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conjugal — 1540s, from M.Fr. conjugal (13c.), from L. conjugalis relating to marriage, from conjunx (gen. conjugis) spouse, related to conjugare to join together, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + jugare to join, from jugum …   Etymology dictionary

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