
\ \ [14] Despite its seeming roots in the appleproducing English countryside, cider is a very ancient word, which has come a long way to reach us. Hebrew shēkhār meant ‘any strong drink in general’. It crops up in several places in the Bible, and was adopted by Greek and Latin translators as, respectively, sīkéra and sīcera.
\ \ The Latin form was borrowed into Old French, where it became sisdre and eventually sidre. By now it was being applied more specifically to drink made from apples, and it had that meaning when it was borrowed into English.
\ \ However, its biblical associations were still sufficiently strong for it to retain its original meaning in certain contexts: for example, in 1382 John Wyclif translated Luke 1:15 (‘he shall drink neither wine nor strong drink’) as ‘he shall not drink wine and cider’. Its original form survived for a while, too, as sicar, which did not disappear from English until the 17th century.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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