
\ \ [16] Centum is the Latin word forhundred’ – indeed both come ultimately from the same Indo-European source, *kmtóm. It first appeared in English in the form cent in the phrase per cent (originally used apparently by the financier Sir Thomas Gresham in a letter of 1568:the interest of xij per cent by the year’); this was probably borrowed from Italian per cento (it is not a genuine Latin phrase). The use of cent for a unit of currency dates from the 1780s, when it was adopted by the newly founded USA; its status as one hundredth of a dollar was officially ordained by the Continental Congress on 8 August 1786.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • cent — CENT. adj. numéral des 2 g. Nombre contenant dix fois dix. Cent ans. Cent hommes. Cent francs. Cent écus. Cent livres pesant, cent livres comptant. Deux cents hommes. Dans cent un ans. À cent deux ans d ici. Cent un, cent deux, cent trois,… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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  • Cent — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Comparación entre los intervalos (relación entre dos frecuencias) musicales temperados y pitagóricos, mostrando la relación entre las frecuencias y los intervalos en cents. Los intervalos mostrados son (de izquierda… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Cent — Cent, n. [F. cent hundred, L. centum. See {Hundred}.] 1. A hundred; as, ten per cent, the proportion of ten parts in a hundred. [1913 Webster] 2. A United States coin, the hundredth part of a dollar, formerly made of copper, now of copper, tin,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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