
\ \ [17] Catamaran is a word borrowed from the Tamil language of the southeast coast of India. It is a compound meaning literally ‘tied wood’, made up of kattutie’ and maramwood, tree’. It was first recorded in English in William Dampier’s Voyages 1697: ‘The smaller sort of Bark-logs are more governable than the others … This sort of Floats are used in many places both in the East and West Indies. On the Coast of Coromandel … they call them Catamarans’.

Word origins - 2ed. . 2005.

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  • catamaran — [ katamarɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1942; catimaron « radeau des Indes » 1699; mot angl., du tamoul katta « lien » et maram « bois » 1 ♦ Embarcation à voile (et par ext. à moteur), à deux coques accouplées (cf. Trimaran). 2 ♦ Système de flotteurs d hydravion.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • catamarán — (Del ingl. catamaran, y este del tamil kattumaran). 1. m. Embarcación, por lo común de vela, de dos cascos unidos. 2. Balsa de troncos usada por los indígenas de Coromandel, en la India …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Catamaran — Cat a*ma*ran , n. [The native East Indian name.] 1. A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • catamaran — (n.) 1670s, from Tamil kattu maram tied wood, from kattu tie, binding + maram wood, tree …   Etymology dictionary

  • catamaran — m DEFINICIJA v. katamaran …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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