utter softly

  • 61silence — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Absence of sound Nouns 1. silence; stillness, quiet, peace, hush; inaudibility. 2. (reluctance or inability to speak) muteness, dumbness, aphony, voicelessness; taciturnity, reticence; deadness, dullness …

    English dictionary for students

  • 62speech — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Oral communication Nouns 1. speech, talk, faculty of speech; locution, parlance, expression, vernacular, oral communication, word of mouth, parole, palaver, prattle; effusion, discourse; soliloquy;… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 63croon — c.1400, originally Scottish, from M.Du. kronen to lament, mourn, perhaps onomatopoeic. Originally to bellow like a bull as well as to utter a low, murmuring sound (mid 15c.). Popularized by Robert Burns. Sense evolved to lament, then to sing… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 64lip — [[t]lɪp[/t]] n. adj. v. lipped, lip•ping 1) anat. either of the two fleshy parts or folds forming the margins of the mouth 2) Usu., lips. these parts as organs of speech: I heard it from his own lips[/ex] 3) a projecting edge on a container or… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 65whisper — whis•per [[t]ˈ(h)wɪs pər, ˈwɪs pər[/t]] v. i. 1) to speak with soft hushed sounds using the breath but with no vibration of the vocal cords 2) to talk softly and privately, often implying gossip: The town whispered about the rumors[/ex] 3) to… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 66cantillate — [c]/ˈkæntəleɪt/ (say kantuhlayt) verb (cantillated, cantillating) –verb (i) 1. to chant passages of the Hebrew Bible as part of a religious service. 2. to chant or intone a text. –verb (t) 3. to utter in a chant. {Latin cantillāre to sing softly …

  • 67lip — /lɪp / (say lip) noun 1. either of the two fleshy parts or folds forming the margins of the mouth and performing an important function in speech. 2. (plural) these parts as organs of speech. 3. Colloquial impudent talk. 4. a lip like part or… …

  • 68lip — [lip] n. [ME lippe < OE lippa, akin to MDu lippe < IE base * leb , to hang loosely, lip > L labes, a falling, labium, lip] 1. either of the two fleshy folds forming the edges of the mouth 2. anything like a lip, as in structure or in… …

    English World dictionary

  • 69breathe — v. 1 intr. take air into and expel it from the lungs. 2 intr. be or seem alive (is she breathing?). 3 tr. a utter; say (esp. quietly) (breathed her forgiveness). b express; display (breathed defiance). 4 intr. take breath, pause. 5 tr. send out… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 70murmur — n. & v. n. 1 a subdued continuous sound, as made by waves, a brook, etc. 2 a softly spoken or nearly inarticulate utterance. 3 Med. a recurring sound heard in the auscultation of the heart and usu. indicating abnormality. 4 a subdued expression… …

    Useful english dictionary