talk big
1talk big — {v.}, {informal} To talk boastfully; brag. * /He talks big about his pitching, but he hasn t won a game./ …
2talk big — {v.}, {informal} To talk boastfully; brag. * /He talks big about his pitching, but he hasn t won a game./ …
3talk big — ► talk big informal talk confidently or boastfully. Main Entry: ↑big …
4talk big — (informal).See boast verb sense 1. → talk * * * phrasal : to talk boastfully or bombastically here was an unknown … who talked big but could he deliver Neal Stanford people have come to country towns, talked big or tried to organize fantastic… …
5talk big — in. to brag; to make grandiose statements. □ She talks big, but can’t produce anything. □ He has some deep need to talk big. He can’t do anything …
6talk big — talk boastfully, brag He is always talking big but nobody believes what he says …
7talk\ big — v informal To talk boastfully; brag. He talks big about his pitching, but he hasn t won a game …
8talk big — informal talk confidently or boastfully. → big …
9talk big — Synonyms and related words: Barnumize, aggrandize, amplify, ballyhoo, blow, blow off, blowhard, bombast, build up, burlesque, caricature, carry too far, draw the longbow, exaggerate, go to extremes, hyperbolize, inflate, lay it on, magnify, make… …
10talk big — brag, exaggerate, promise a lot Bert talks big before a game. He s more humble afterwards …