put to torture

  • 11torture — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pain, excruciation, agony, torment; martyrdom, crucifixion; anguish; cruelty. v. t. punish; torment, rack, agonize, martyr; garble, distort, twist, misrepresent. See punishment, badness. II (Roget s… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 12put to the question —    obsolete    to torture    The language of the Inquisition, but also a common method of medieval criminal investigation elsewhere …

    How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • 13torture — I. n. Anguish, agony, torment, rack, pang, extreme pain, excruciating pain, acute distress. II. v. a. Torment, distress, agonize, rack, excruciate, pain extremely, put to extreme pain …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 14Uses of torture in recent times — Torture, the infliction of severe physical or psychological pain upon an individual to extract information, a confession or as a punishment, is prohibited by international law and illegal in most countries. However, it is still used by many… …


  • 15Water cure (torture) — This is an article about a form of torture. For other uses, see Water cure. The Water Torture Facsimile of a woodcut in J. Damhoudère s Praxis Rerum Criminalium, Antwerp, 1556. Water cure as a term for a form of torture refers to a method in… …


  • 16Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse — Beginning in 2004, human rights violations in the form of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including torture,[1][2][3] …


  • 17Chinese Water Torture Cell — Houdini performing the Chinese Water Torture Cell The Chinese Water Torture Cell is a predicament escape made famous by Hungarian American magician Harry Houdini. The illusion consists of three parts: first, the magician s feet are locked in… …


  • 18White torture — is a type of psychological tortureRuxandra Cesereanu, PDFlink| [http://www.jsri.ro/new/?downloadjsri 14 articol 12 ruxandra cesereanu.pdf An Overview of Political Torture in the Twentieth Century] |703.3 KiB, Journal for the Study of Religions… …


  • 19Freedom from Torture — is the working name of The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture.,[1] . The organisation changed its name in 2011. Freedom from Torture is a British registered charity which solely treats torture survivors.[2] Since it was… …


  • 20List of methods of torture — A list of torture methods and devices includes: Contents 1 Psychological torture methods 2 Physical torture methods 3 Instruments of torture 4 Medieval …
