paralyze with fear
1paralyze — 01. Rick Hansen became [paralyzed] from the waist down after breaking his back in a car accident. 02. The child was [paralyzed] with fear when he saw the big dog. 03. Traffic was [paralyzed] for hours during the visit by the Queen. 04. The… …
2terrify — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. terrorize, frighten, alarm; appall, dismay; cow, intimidate; panic, stampede. See fear. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. shock, horrify, terrorize; see frighten 1 . See Synonym Study at frighten . III… …
3appall — v. a. Terrify, frighten, affright, dismay, daunt, horrify, shock, put in great fear, strike with terror, petrify with fear, palsy or paralyze with fear …
4dis|may — «dihs MAY», noun, verb. –n. loss of courage because of dislike or fear of what is about to happen or has happened: »And each In other s countenance read his own dismay (Milton). ╂[< verb] –v.t. to trouble greatly; make afraid; paralyze with… …
5petrified — petrɪfaɪd adj. dumbfounded; frightened; silenced by fear; turned to stone as a result of mineral laden water (about wood) pet·ri·fy || petrɪfaɪ v. make into stone; turn into stone; stiffen, make hard; paralyze with fear …
6dismay — I. v. a. Terrify, frighten, appall, affright, scare, alarm, intimidate, paralyze with fear, daunt. II. n. Terror, fright, affright, fear, alarm, horror, consternation …
7pet|ri|fy — «PEHT ruh fy», verb, fied, fy|ing. –v.t. 1. to turn into stone; change (plant or animal matter) into a substance like stone: »There is a petrified forest in Arizona. 2. Figurative: »I don t learn much from our senators…Policy seems to petrify… …
8petrify — 1590s, from M.Fr. pétrifier to make or become stone, from L. petra rock + ficare, from facere to make, do (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)). Metaphoric sense of paralyze with fear or shock first recorded 1771 …
9gorgonize — v. stun, paralyze with fear, petrify; have a stupefying effect on; mesmerize a person; have an effect of a Gorgon upon; turn into stone …
10gorgonized — v. stun, paralyze with fear, petrify; have a stupefying effect on; mesmerize a person; have an effect of a Gorgon upon; turn into stone …