line of poetry

  • 21poetry anthologies —    For many, their first meeting with poetry is the anthology, as school reader, GCSE or A level set text. The selection principle in anthologies is rarely made explicit. Nevertheless this is how, unnoticing, readers begin to regard literature’s… …

    Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • 22poetry in the 1970s —    The 1970s mark a point of transition in poetry. In 1974, Philip Larkin published his last collection of poems, High Windows. The poets, mainly men, whose work had been published for twenty or thirty years or even more, continued to be… …

    Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • 23Poetry, Lovecraft’s —    HPL wrote more than 250 poems from 1897 to 1936. The great majority of these were written in imitation of the occasional verse of Dryden and Pope, with extensive use of the heroic couplet. In 1914 HPL, responding to Maurice W.Moe’s urging to… …

    An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • 24poetry — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ good, great ▪ bad ▪ classical ▪ contemporary, modern ▪ experimental …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 25Poetry —    Has been well defined as the measured language of emotion. Hebrew poetry deals almost exclusively with the great question of man s relation to God. Guilt, condemnation, punishment, pardon, redemption, repentance are the awful themes of this… …

    Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • 26line — line1 linable, lineable, adj. lineless, adj. linelike, adj. /luyn/, n., v., lined, lining. n. 1. a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface: a line down the middle of the page. 2. Math. a …


  • 27line — I. /laɪn / (say luyn) noun 1. a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface. 2. something resembling a traced line, as a band of colour, a seam, a furrow, etc.: lines of stratification in… …

  • 28line — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a continuous mark or band made on a surface (drew a line). 2 use of lines in art, esp. draughtsmanship or engraving (boldness of line). 3 a thing resembling such a mark esp. a furrow or wrinkle. 4 Mus. a each of (usu. five)… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 29line — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. interline, face; delineate. n. mark; cord, string; crease, wrinkle; verse, note; route, system; vocation, calling; lineage; row, file. See indication, filament, poetry, business, ancestry,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 30line of apollo — Usage: usually capitalized A Etymology: after Apollo, Graeco Roman god of manly beauty, of poetry and music, and of the wisdom of oracles, sometimes regarded as a sun god more at apollo : line of the sun …

    Useful english dictionary