knotty question

  • 1question — Synonyms and related words: Chinese puzzle, Parthian shot, Pyrrhonism, absurd, address, affirmation, agonize over, allegation, answer, apostrophe, apprehension, approach, ask, ask a question, ask about, ask questions, assertion, assuredly, at… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 2question mark — Synonyms and related words: Chinese puzzle, baffling problem, bone of contention, brain twister, catechism, cross interrogatory, cross question, crossword puzzle, crux, debating point, demand, enigma, enigmatic question, feeler, floorer, inquiry …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 3complex — adj Complex, complicated, intricate, involved, knotty are comparable when they mean having parts or elements that are more or less confusingly interrelated. Something is complex which is made up of so many different interrelated or interacting… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 4The Church in China —     The Church in China     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Church in China     Ancient Christians     The introduction of Christianity into China has been ascribed not only to the Apostle of India, St. Thomas, but also to St. Bartholomew. In the… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 5riddle — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. conundrum, enigma, puzzle; problem, poser. See secret, difficulty, unintelligibility. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A difficult problem] Syn. problem, puzzle, question, knotty question, doubt, quandary,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 6riddle — [n] brain teaser bewilderment, braintwister*, charade, closed book*, complexity, complication, confusion, conundrum, cryptogram, dilemma, distraction, doubt, embarrassment, enigma, entanglement, intricacy, knotty question*, labyrinth, maze,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 7quiz — I. n. 1. Puzzle (by way of sport), enigma, riddle, knotty question, hoax, joke, jest. 2. Odd fellow, joker, jester. II. v. a. 1. Puzzle (for sport), ridicule, banter, hoax, run upon, make fun of, make sport of. 2. Stare at (in mockery), peer at …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 8Tylor, Edward Burnet — (1832 1917)    His interest in ethnology, which developed while travelling in Cuba and Mexico, led to his three influential books, Researches into the Early History of Mankind (1865); Primitive Culture (1871); and Anthropology, an Introduction to …

    A Dictionary of English folklore

  • 9Inquiry — (Roget s Thesaurus) >Subject of Inquiry. Question. < N PARAG:Inquiry >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 inquiry inquiry Sgm: N 1 request request &c. 765 Sgm: N 1 search search research quest pursuit &c. 622 GRP: N 2 …

    English dictionary for students

  • 10involved — adjective 1. connected by participation or association or use (Freq. 23) we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved the problems involved the involved muscles I don t want to get involved everyone involved in… …

    Useful english dictionary