in existence

  • 81Les Lettres de mon moulin , Alphonse Daudet (2003)
    Lecture facile, une collection de lecture en fran&# 231;ais pour se divertir, s'enrichir, perfectionner ses connaissances en langue, en litt&# 233;rature et en civilisation. Cette collection comprend… 504 руб

  • 82La dame aux cam&# 233;lias , Alexandre Dumas (2001)
    Elle l'aimait, elle en&# 233;tait aim&# 233;e mais la biens&# 233;ance et la mort la s&# 233;par&# 232;rent de lui. Ce roman, dont Alexandre Dumas fils tira aussi un drame, est inspir&# 233; de… 627 руб

  • 83The Lost World , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (2008)
    ''The ordinary laws of Nature are suspended. The various checks with influence the struggle for existence in the world at large are all neutralized or altered. Creatures survive which would otherwise… 407 руб

  • 84Selected Tales , Edgar Allan Poe (2008)
    Since their first publication in the 1830s and 1840s, Edgar Allan Poe's extraordinary Gothic tales have established themselves as classics of horror fiction and have also created many of the… 407 руб

  • 85Thus Spoke Zarathustra , Friedrich Nietzsche (2008)
    The profoundest book there is, born from the innermost richness of truth, an inexhaustible well into which no bucket descends without coming up with gold and goodness.''Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1885)… 528 руб

  • 86Evolution And Ethics And Other Essays , Thomas Henry Huxley (1897)
    And if natural selection, with artificial to help it, will produce better animals and better men than the present, and fit them better to the conditions of existence, why, let it work, say we, to the… 1646 руб

  • 87God The Known And God The Unknown , Samuel Butler (1917)
    Let him think of the vastness of the earth, and of the activity by day and night through countless ages of such countless forms of animal and vegetable life as that no human mind can form the… 686 руб

  • 88Tales And Sketches , John Greenleaf Whittier (1922)
    ""I am not desirous, even were it practicable,""he said,""to defend the use of opium, or rather the abuse of it. I can only say, that the substitutes you propose are not suited to my condition. The… 1315 руб

  • 89Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'etoiles ce soir , Sylvie Testud (2005)
    &# 201;nerv&# 233;e. Affam&# 233;e. Ext&# 233;nu&# 233;e. Terroris&# 233;e. En retard. Frigorifi&# 233;e. Les journ&# 233;es, pour Sylvie Testud, sont une succession de moments intenses. Elle nous… 695 руб

  • 90La Vie d'une Autre , Frederique Deghelt (2010)
    Marie a vingt-cinq ans. Un soir de f&# 234;te, coup de foudre pour le beau Pablo, nuit d’amour et le lendemain... Elle se r&# 233;veille&# 224; ses c&# 244;t&# 233;s, douze ans plus tard, mari&#… 886 руб