in existence

  • 121La cravate de Simenon A2 (+ Audio CD) , Ancion Nicolas (2012)
    Si Leopold a trouv&# 233; du travail, c'est gr&# 226;ce&# 224; cette cravate. S'il a d&# 233;couvert sa vocation d'&# 233;crivain, c'est encore gr&# 226;ce&# 224; elle. Avant lui d&# 233;j&# 224… 835 руб

  • 122By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept , Coelho Paulo (2012)
    The story of an independent young woman whose life is changed forever by a chance encounter with a childhood friend. A magical blend of compelling action, exotic locations and intriguing characters… 746 руб

  • 123Dubliners , Joyce James (2012)
    From a child grappling with the death of a fallen priest, to a young woman's dilemma over whether to elope to Argentina with her lover, to the dance party at which a man discovers just how little he… 565 руб

  • 124L'Eden cinema , Duras Marguerite (1990)
    Un bungalow colonial au mobilier banal, tr&# 232;s us&# 233;, tr&# 232;s pauvre. Autour, la plaine de Kam, dans le Haut-Cambodge. Cinq personnages. La m&# 232;re s'assied sur un si&# 232;ge bas, les… 764 руб

  • 125Jane Eyre (+ Audio CD) , Bronte Charlotte (2012)
    Jane Eyre survives a lonely and loveless childhood at her aunt's house. When she is sent away to school, although she receives an education, her existence is still a cold and solitary one. She dreams… 657 руб

  • 126The Vanishing Point , McDermid Val (2013)
    Stephanie Harker is travelling through security at O'Hare airport with five-year-old Jimmy. But in a moment, everything changes. In disbelief, Stephanie watches as a uniformed agent leads her boy… 811 руб

  • 127Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married , Keyes Marian (2002)
    What happens when a psychic tells Lucy that she'll be getting married within the year? Her roommates panic! What is going to happen to their blissful existence of eating take-out, drinking too much… 607 руб

  • 128La Peau de chagrin , Balzac Honore de (2004)
    Adolescent, Rapha&# 235;l de Valentin a r&# 234;v&# 233; d'&# 234;tre un grand&# 233;crivain, mais ce r&# 234;ve l'a conduit&# 224; la plus grande pauvret&# 233;. Son ami Rastignac lui conseille… 621 руб