come into existence or being

  • 11come alive — Synonyms and related words: awake, awaken, be begotten, be born, be incarnated, come into being, come into existence, come to, come to life, descry, discern, get up, live again, make out, penetrate, perceive, pierce, plumb, quicken, reanimate,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 12come along — Synonyms and related words: advance, ameliorate, amend, appear, approach, arise, be found, be so, be such, bechance, befall, betide, betray itself, chance, clear, clear the hurdle, come, come forth, come into being, come into existence, come on,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 13come to life — verb 1. be born or come into existence (Freq. 2) All these flowers come to life when the rains come • Syn: ↑come into being • Hypernyms: ↑be born • Verb Frames: Something s …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 14existence — ► NOUN 1) the fact or state of existing. 2) a way of living. ORIGIN Latin existentia, from exsistere come into being …

    English terms dictionary

  • 15Existence of God — Part of a series on God General conceptions …


  • 16Existence (Philosophy of) 1 — Philosophy of existence 1 Heidegger Jacques Taminiaux At the very outset and up to the end, the long philosophical journey of Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) remained oriented by a single question, the question of Being, the Seinsfrage. This does… …

    History of philosophy

  • 17Existence (Philosophy of) 3 — Philosophy of existence 3 Merleau Ponty Bernard Cullen à Henri Godin LIFE AND WORKS Maurice Merleau Ponty was born on 14 March 1908 into a petty bourgeois Catholic family in Rochefort sur Mer on the west coast of France. When he died suddenly, at …

    History of philosophy

  • 18come — /kum/, v., came, come, coming, n. v.i. 1. to approach or move toward a particular person or place: Come here. Don t come any closer! 2. to arrive by movement or in the course of progress: The train from Boston is coming. 3. to approach or arrive… …


  • 19existence — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) State of being Nouns 1. existence, life, being, entity, ens, esse, subsistence, presence; ontology, existentialism. 2. (fact of existence) reality, actuality, authenticity; positiveness, fact, matter of… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 20come — [[t]kʌm[/t]] v. came, come, com•ing, n. 1) to approach or move toward someone or something: Come a little closer[/ex] 2) to arrive by movement or progression: The train is coming[/ex] 3) to approach or arrive in time, in succession, etc.:… …

    From formal English to slang