Hang up

  • 111hang —    to kill by breaking the neck through suspension    Formerly, it meant death by crucifixion, but it is now standard English in the present sense, the past sense being hanged not hung:     No, Grace, we don t hang them any more. Not even… …

    How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • 112hang on — 1) he hung on to her coat Syn: hold on to, hold fast to, grip, clutch, grasp, hold tightly to, cling to 2) her future hung on their decision Syn: depend on, be dependent on, turn on, hinge on …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 113Hang — 1. Hang zur Ruhebank schliesst den Brotschrank. – Sprichwörtergarten, 325. 2. Wie der Hang, so der Gang. – Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift, 1866, Hft. 1, Nr. 113. *3. Weder Hang noch Klang haben. – Lohrengel, II, 504 …

    Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • 114hang it — {interj.}, {informal} An exclamation used to express annoyance or disappointment. * /Oh, hang it! I forgot to bring the book I wanted to show you./ * /Hang it all, why don t you watch where you re going?/ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 115hang it — {interj.}, {informal} An exclamation used to express annoyance or disappointment. * /Oh, hang it! I forgot to bring the book I wanted to show you./ * /Hang it all, why don t you watch where you re going?/ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 116hang on — verb a) To wait a moment (usually imperative). Hang on. Let me check. b) To hold, grasp, or grip. Hang on to the handle so you dont drop it …


  • 117hang up — verb a) To put up to hang I hung up my washing on the line b) To terminate a telephone call When my mother started telling me to be careful over the phone, I threatened to hang up on her Syn: release …


  • 118hang up — Synonyms and related words: adjourn, afterthought, bind, block, blockade, blockage, blow up, bog down, bottleneck, bureaucratic delay, buzz, call, call up, catch, come to nothing, complex, compulsion, continue, cordon, curtain, decelerate, defer …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 119Hang — 1. Abhang, Berghang, Böschung; (schweiz.): Stutz; (geh.): Halde; (südd., schweiz.): Rain; (südd., österr., schweiz.): Lehne; (österr., sonst veraltet): Gehänge; (südd., österr.): Leite; (schweiz., sonst veraltet): Bord; …

    Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • 120Hang — 1. used to add emphasis to a statement: I ll be hanged if I do ; 2. frequent; spend time in: to hang in Indonesia for a while ; 3. place one frequently socialises at; one s hang out …

    Dictionary of Australian slang