Carry on

  • 71carry — car·ry kar ē vt, car·ried; car·ry·ing 1) to harbor (a pathogen) within the body <many are unaware they carry the virus and could be infecting others (Donald MacGillis)> 2) to possess a specified gene <women who carry genes that increase… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 72carry on — Synonyms and related words: abide, act up, antic, assault, attack, barbarize, batter, be enthusiastic, be livid, be patient, be pissed, be responsible for, bear with composure, behave ill, bide, bluster, boil, browned off, brutalize, bubble over …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 73carry — verb 1) she carried the box into the kitchen Syn: convey, transfer, transport, move, take, bring, bear, fetch; informal cart, hump, lug 2) satellites carry the signal over the Atlantic Syn …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 74carry-on — /ˈkæri ˌɒn/ (say karee .on) noun 1. fuss; commotion. –adjective 2. of or relating to those items which a passenger may carry with them onto an aircraft, etc., as opposed to those checked in to be stowed during the journey: each passenger is… …

  • 75carry on — verb Date: 1600 transitive verb to continue doing, pursuing, or operating < carry on research > < carried on the business > intransitive verb 1. to continue especially in spite of hindrance or …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 76carry-on — 1. adjective Taken onto an airplane with a passenger, rather than checked. Its a compact suitcase, but it makes a good carry on bag. 2. noun That luggage or baggage …


  • 77carry on — verb /ˈkʰæɹijˈɑn/ a) To continue or proceed as before. Ill be gone for a few days, but I hope you will carry on in my absence. b) To take baggage or luggage onto an airplane, rather than check it …


  • 78carry — verb Carry is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑aircraft, ↑barge, ↑blood vessel, ↑boat, ↑bus, ↑cable, ↑cart, ↑convoy, ↑current, ↑demonstrator, ↑escalator, ↑ …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 79carry — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. uphold, support; transport, convey, bear; adopt; [have or keep in] stock. See transportation, store, assent. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To take from one place to another] Syn. convey, move, transport,&#8230; …

    English dictionary for students

  • 80Carry — Car|ry [ kæri] der; , s &LT;aus engl. carry »Übertrag« zu to carry »tragen, bringen«&GT; Übertrag, der bei einer Befehlsabarbeitung entsteht (EDV) …

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